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5 Cigars to Gift the Cigar Aficionado in Your Life

If you have a special someone in your life who is passionate about cigars, giving them the perfect cigar gift can make their day extra special. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or you’re getting your Christmas shopping done early, picking the right cigar can be a thoughtful gesture and show them how well you know them and how much you care about their appreciation of the finer things in life. To help you out, we've compiled a list of 5 cigars that are sure to impress any cigar aficionado:

Honorable Mentions (Cuban Cigars) - If you’re a world-traveler and thoughtful enough to bring back some Cuban cigars as a gift, here are a few to keep an eye out for. Will you be able to find them? I haven’t had the best luck, but if you’re a determined shopper, you might just find them the best cigar they’ve ever had.

  1. Romeo y Julieta Churchill - A legendary brand in the world of cigars, Romeo y Julieta offers a wide range of exceptional smokes. Among their most popular choices is the Romeo y Julieta Churchill. This Cuban cigar is known for its medium-bodied profile and elegant construction. Its creamy and nutty flavors make it a timeless gift option.

  2. Montecristo No. 2 - Another Cuban masterpiece, the Montecristo No. 2 is a favorite among aficionados. This torpedo-shaped cigar boasts a rich and full-bodied flavor profile, with hints of cedar, leather, and spice. Its impeccable construction ensures a consistently enjoyable smoke, making it an excellent choice for any occasion.

  3. Partagas Serie E No. 2 - A personal favorite of mine, Partagas makes some of the most sought-after (Cuban) cigars on the market (I’d give their US brand a miss). Partagas is a renowned Cuban cigar brand with a long-standing reputation for producing high-quality cigars. The Serie E No. 2, as part of the Partagas lineup, benefits from the brand's legacy and loyal following.

  4. Cohiba Behike 52 - The Cohiba Behike 52 is completely handmade at the historic El Laguito factory in Havana, Cuba. It features select long filler tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region in Pinar del Rio, Cuba's most famous tobacco-growing area. The Cohiba Behike line, including the Behike 52, is considered one of the most prestigious and luxurious cigar brands available. In 2010, the Cohiba Behike 52 was named the Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year, further solidifying its reputation as an exceptional cigar. Long story short, this is considered the “Holy Grail” cigar for many enthusiasts and probably the most sought-after cigar on this list.

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Remember, when gifting cigars, it's important to consider the recipient's preferences and tastes. If you're unsure, consulting with a knowledgeable tobacconist (Capitol Hill Clothiers’ very own Anthony Bolognese is one! You can reach out via Instagram) can help you make an informed decision. Whichever cigar(s) you choose from this list, it's sure to make a lasting impression on the cigar aficionado in your life.